Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reproductive Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reproductive Rights - Essay Example II. Identification and Evaluation of Ethical Principles of Reproductive Rights Reproductive rights are controversial for several reasons. According to Bellieni and Buonocore (2006), some ethical principles which can be evaluated include: the potential abuse of womens’ bodies in a male-dominated medical profession; the debate over the validity of the embryo being seen as a ‘person,’ with regard to state and federal law; and the fact that studies have shown that in vitro fertilization has shown higher risks of birth defects such as cerebral palsy in children formed as a result of the procedure (pp. 93). Abortion is legal in the U.S., according to federal law. III. The Application of Principles to Ethical Issues with Various Implications One of the main arguments that naysayers usually make with regard to embryonic procedures is that embryos are actually people, and that scientists are ‘playing God’ by creating children in a scientific fashion—som etimes discarding embryos that are damaged, which to some people is unethical because a person’s life is being discontinued.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Contributions of Ancient Greece and Rome to the Western World Essay Example for Free

Contributions of Ancient Greece and Rome to the Western World Essay While both Roman and Greek cultures greatly influenced Western Civilization, Greeks contributed more to the western world than the Romans. The Greeks used their own ideas and thought of new ways to add to their culture, while the Romans mostly mixed and matched ideas from other civilizations and cultures to make their own. The Romans took up the inheritance of the Greeks adapted it to their own language and national traditions. (Grant 2)The Greeks introduced many new ideas and traditions, the most important being democracy Athenian democracy in particular. After the Dark Age, the population in Greece grew so quickly that soon, there were way too many free peasants. These peasants realized that nobody could stop them if they tried to make some changes because there was so many of them, so they insisted on having their voices heard by the government. Their wish was granted, and democracy in its simplest form became known. Now that the peasants had more freedom, some of them started to earn higher wages, and soon were rich enough to purchase hoplite armor. (Hoplites made up the majority of the army and fought on foot.) The peasants were also placing strong demands on the elite class, also known as the oligarchy. The system of citizenship in Greece was established as a result, during the late 7th century BCE (Martin 82), and enabled the peasants to have more influence on their leaders and protection under the law. There were three kinds of citizens the rich, the hoplites, and the poor. Only males were citizens. All citizens could attend open meetings in the Assembly, elect archons (leaders) each year, and were protected under the law. The peace of Greece had been slowly deteriorating, and in 621 BCE, it only got worse. The rich, elite class had been accumulating farmland from the poor farmers, who had to pack up and leave once a rich person took their land. A poor farmer had a hard time gaining wealth because any wealth they did gain would be in the form of surplus grain. Extra grain was not permanent, and could not be converted into money since coins were not invented yet. Then in 621 BCE, Draco was appointed to establish a code of laws to help bring stability by changing the situation. But his laws were so harsh that they only destabilized the people more. Civil war threatened to break out until 594 BCE when the Athenians gave Solon power to revise Dracos  laws and deal with the crisis. His new laws steered a middle course (Martin 84) between the demands of the rich and the demands of the poor. He introduced the right of appeal to the Assembly, forbade the selling of Athenians into slavery, and sorted male cit izens into four classes based on income. Overall, Solon helped to make democracy more peaceful. After a short period of tyranny, the democratic system was reinstalled and new rules were made yet again. Cleisthenes organized villages in Athens into trittyes according to location, and each of the trittyes was divided into phylai, or tribes. He also started to keep track of which males were old enough to vote and join the Assembly, with the voting age at eighteen. The Assembly would choose fifty representatives by lot from each tribe. Each representative would get to serve for one year on a council of five hundred men. Also, ten men were selected by officials with the highest military authority to serve as strategoi, or generals, in the army. (Martin 88)Another reform was made after an earthquake near Sparta in 465 BCE created tension between Sparta and Athens, and a crisis in formal affairs took place. Athens sent military help to Sparta that was rejected in a complicated series of events. As a result, in 461 BCE, Ephialetes convinced the Assembly to limit the influence of Areopagus the highest judicial and legislative council of ancient Athens that met on a hill west of the Acropolis. (Martin 110) A new judicial system was created with juries of males over thirty years old chosen by lot to serve for one year. Ostracism was also established. If the general public submitted over six thousand ballots, the man who had his name on the most ballots was exiled for ten years. In general, democracy rested on the belief that the cumulative political wisdom of the majority of the voters would outweigh the eccentricity and irresponsibility of the few. (Martin 113)In addition to democracy, the Greeks most important contribution to Western civilization, many elements of modern culture are rooted in ancient Greece. Philosophers, especially Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates impacted the way people thought about the world around them. Greek architecture is still commonly used today, as evidenced by our use of pillars and columns. The ancient Greeks also excelled in sculpting. They figured out how to make graceful, emotional, and realistic statues which needed no additional support. Poetry,  theatre, and drama also made up an important part of Greek culture. Some Greeks studied science, math, history, and their studies form the basis of many of todays theories. Science helped others understand a little more of these subjects. In Greece, as in todays world, science was based on observation, not myth, even though myths were considered an important part of life to every Greek. The Greeks are also considered to be the first people who recorded history only after consulting witnesses, forming the base of modern history. One exceptionally significant custom of the Greeks still observed today is the Olympics. These ancient games incorporated a concept of free athletic competition without bloodshed. If the Greeks were engaged in war at the time the Olympics were to take place, they would pause for three days and compete in many different events. At first, there were only a few competitions, but as the Olympics became more popular, additional sports were included. The four main contests of the ancient Olympics were the long jump, the javelin throw, the discus throw, and wrestling. At one time, the Olympics were for male Greek citizens only, but today people of various nationalities, men and women, can take part in this unique Greek custom. The Olympics were also very different from the Roman sport games, such as gladiator fighting or the Roman form of wrestling, where humans and animals were killed. Even though Romans did use many ideas and designs from Greeks and other cultures, they also thought of their own. A considerable contribution of the Romans to the Western World is their system of government a Republic. Republic comes from the word respublica, which means a matter for the people. (Corbishley 15) Officers in the Republic included consuls, praetors, censors, quaestors, adiles, and the senate. Consuls had the same powers as a king, but unlike a king, they were elected each year by the citizens and had to serve in pairs. The praetors were the chief judges, the censors kept track of who could vote, the quaestors looked after the state finances, and the adiles were in charge of public works. The senate was a body made up of ex-officials that formed a parliament to discuss matters and advise the other officials. As in the Athenian democracy, only male citizens could vote, but the people of ancient Rome were glad they had a republic, and they  hated the word rex, or king. The Romans excelled in literature, poetry, law, engineering, state organization, military training and organization, painting, sculpture, and architecture. They also had games in the amphitheater sports like chariot races, gladiator fights, fake battles in ships, and fights with wild animals. The Romans had a complex law system that was the foundation for Italian, German, French, and Spanish law. The Roman techniques of interpreting the law and their legal system of lawyers and judges were also incorporated into many other cultures. There were three kinds of laws. Civil law was for Roman citizens only, and there were laws for those people who were not citizens, but lived in Roman provinces or on the outskirts of Roman towns. The third type of law was natural law, deciding between right and wrong. Civil law and the other laws could be created by the Assembly, praetors, senate, emperors, and jurists. They created many different laws. They made sure there was a variety of laws, to deal with every situation, and these multiple laws helped the kingdom of Rome run smoothly. The Romans were also great engineers. They paved roads wide enough for the whole army, built walls around their cities for protection, and even had apartment buildings. They also had aqueducts, built high above the ground to carry water to the cities. Arches, a very important Roman invention, helped the aqueducts to stand strong without collapsing. Arches were also used in buildings like the Coliseum, the Forum, and basilicas. Many early churches were built using the plans of the Roman basilicas. Other buildings had vast domes. Roman engineers did not want these magnificent domes to collapse, either, so they thought of coffering as a solution. Coffering is also known as placing decorative, sunken panels in a ceiling to make it lighter. Romans added other things to buildings to make them more attractive, like fountains, pillars, and sculptures. The Roman civilization made many of their buildings out of brick and mortar, and even concrete. Engineering is, indeed, the most noticeable Roman influence on Western civilization, seen in many public buildings and even houses. Beyond arches and coffers, Roman people did not focus so much on the structure of their buildings as the facades and interiors. They combined Greek columns with fancy arches to make majestic entrances, and painted splendid pictures on walls of mythical characters and nature scenes. Roman sculptors copied Greek masterpieces, adding to the collection of Greek works in existence. They learned how to sculpt faces more realistically and how to make better portraits, and as a result made some pretty remarkable portrait busts of famous people. In addition, the Romans developed a continuous sculpture relief, something like a comic strip that wound around pillars, the most famous of which is known as Trajans column. Many great rulers governed Rome, including Trajan, and over time helped develop an extremely organized empire. At one time, the Roman administration was split into four levels. Two emperors ruled over four prefectures, who in turn governed three or four vicars each. Each vicar presided over one diocese, and each diocese was split up into many provinces. Early Christians saw how organized this system of government was, that it was one of the reasons Rome was so powerful, and based their own leadership system on this Roman model. The Greeks and the Romans both contributed much to Western Civilization, but the Greeks seem to have contributed more. The Romans took many ideas from the Greeks and even copied sculptures and other artwork for their own houses and public places, so that much of what they had was Greek. Thus, without the Greeks, the Romans would not have been as impressive of a civilization. This quote best describes the influence of the Greeks and Romans on the world today: we ourselves, whether we like it or not, are the heirs of the Greeks and Romans. In a thousand different ways, they are permanently and indestructibly woven into the fabric of our own existences. The Romans intertwined Greek culture with other cultures and added their ideas to make what they called their own culture. They then showed it to the rest of Europe through conquering the people, who adopted it and blended it into their civilizations. These civilizations developed into strong European societies, and eventually the ideas and traditions became known as Western civilization. So, really, it all started with the Greeks. Bibliography Corbishley, Mike. Cultural Atlas for Young People: Ancient Rome. New York: Facts on File, 1989. De Fabianis, Valeria Manferto, ed. Ancient Rome: History of a Civilization that Ruled the World. New York: Stewart, Tabori Chang, 1996Grant, Michael. The Founders of the Western World: A History of Greece and Rome. New York: Charles Scribners Sons, Maxwell Macmillan Int., 1991Martin, Thomas R. Ancient Greece: From Prehistoric to Hellenistic Times. New Haven, Eng.: Yale University Press, 1996. Pomeroy, Sarah B., Stanley M. Burnstein, Walter Donlan, and Jennifer Tolbert Roberts. Ancient Greece: A Political, Social, and Cultural History. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Powell, Anton. Cultural Atlas for Young People: Ancient Greece. New York: Facts on File, 1989.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay -- FDR American President

Biography of Franklin Delano Roosevelt Franklin Delano Roosevelt, (1882-1945), 32nd of the United States. Roosevelt became president in March 1933 at the depth of the Great Depression, was reelected for an unprecedented three more terms, and died in office in April 1945, less than a month before the surrender of Germany in World War II. Despite an attack of poliomyelitis, which paralyzed his legs in 1921, he was a charismatic optimist whose confidence helped sustain the American people during the strains of economic crisis and world war. He was one of America's most controversial leaders. Conservatives claimed that he undermined states' rights and individual liberty. Though Roosevelt labored hard to end the Depression, he had limited success. It was not until 1939 and 1940, with the onset of heavy defense spending before World War II, that prosperity returned. Roosevelt also displayed limitations in his handling of foreign policy. In the 1930's he was slow to warn against the menace of fascism, and during the war he relied too heavily on his charm and personality in the conduct of diplomacy. Still, Roosevelt's historical reputation is deservedly high. In attacking the Great Depression he did much to develop a partial welfare state in the United States and to make the federal government an agent of social and economic reform. His administration indirectly encouraged the rise of organized labor and greatly invigorated the . His foreign policies, while occasionally devious, were shrewd enough to sustain domestic unity and the allied coalition in World War II. Roosevelt was a president of stature. The future president was born on Jan. 30, 1882, at the family estate in Hyde Park, N.Y. His father, James (1828-1900), was descended from Nicholas Roosevelt, whose father had emigrated from Holland to New Amsterdam in the 1640's. One of Nicholas' two sons, Johannes, fathered the line that ultimately produced President Theodore Roosevelt. The other son, Jacobus, was James' great-great-grandfather. James graduated from Union College (1847) and Harvard Law School, married, had a son, and took over his family's extensive holdings in coal and transportation. Despite substantial losses in speculative ventures, he remained wealthy enough to journey by private railroad car, to live graciously on his Hudson River estate at Hyde Park, and to travel extensively. Four yea... ...nd front greatly intensified Soviet suspicions of the West. But it is easy to second-guess and to exaggerate Roosevelt's failings as a military leader. The president neither invited nor welcomed the Pearl Harbor attack, which was a brilliantly planned maneuver by Japan. He worked with Darlan in the hope of preventing unnecessary loss of Allied lives. Unconditional surrender, given American anger at the enemy, was a politically logical policy. It also proved reassuring to the Soviet Union, which had feared a separate German-American peace. Establishing the second front required control of the air and large supplies of landing craft, and these were not assured until 1944. In many of these decisions Roosevelt acted in characteristically pragmatic fashion--to win the war as effectively as possible and to keep the wartime alliance together. In these aims he was successful. By 1945, Roosevelt was 63 years old. The events early in that year added to the strains on his heart, and on April 12, 1945, he died suddenly at Warm Springs, Ga. Three days later he was buried at Hyde Park. Despite his limitations, he had been a strong, decent, and highly popular president for more than 12 years.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

My Educational Philosophy :: Philosophy of Education Teaching

My Educational Philosophy ABC†¦123†¦, think about all the times throughout the day that the use of something as simple as the ABC’s and the 123’s. Who was it that teaches those things that we deem as so simple now? It was teachers, all through out school they teach children not only the basics like reading writing and arithmetic, but they also teach how to grow up and be a functioning person in the complex world that is all around. In this paper I will explain why I want to teach, the philosophies that I plan to use and my educational goals. Many people in the teacher education program have known all their lives that they wanted to teach, but not me. I have changed my mind numerous times and each time the reason is because I can’t imagine myself doing that given profession for the rest of my life. However, I had never actually considered teaching until the summer before my senior year. I got the opportunity to volunteer at a local day care center and work with children from the ages of 3 months through 12 years. It is that summer that completely changed my mind on what I wanted to do the rest of my life. The first reason that I decided that I want to teach is for the simple fact of getting to shape young minds and change lives. The influence that teachers have over their pupils is amazing, I can remember all of my teachers individually and how many people do you meet and can remember them 12 or 13 years later? It is not only an awesome opportunity is an enormous responsibility, one that I am excited and also a little scared about taking on. Not only do teachers teach children, they also have an influence on the parents that they come in contact with. Getting the parents involved is a vital part of teaching, if you can get the parents excited about the child’s learning then they will encourage the child. In the elementary years children tend to look towards their parents and react in the same ways they do about situations that they encounter. Having the parents involved not only gives the children encouragement, teachers can change the ways that parents do things. If the child’s parent didn’t have guidance as children then they probably don’t know how to encourage and guide their own children, but teachers can change all that by keeping them involved and interested.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Case Study †Profitel Inc Essay

Decision maker: Lars Peeters, along with his team of executives Question 1: Which perspective of leadership best explains the problems experienced in this case? Analyze the case using concepts discussed in that leadership perspective. Leadership is defined as the collective effectiveness and successes of organizations members by influencing, motivating, and enabling others to contribute. In this case Lars Peeters, newly appointed CEO of Profitel, fails to maintain his role by lacking key ingredients central for effective leadership. Together with his executive team he hired from his previous employment, weaken Profitel’s image and success with customers, government leaders and even employees. Listed below are perspectives of leadership I have identified in this case that best explain the problems at hand: Contingency Perspective– Lars had not diagnosed Profitels’s situation thoroughly and adapted their style and objectives to fit that situation. Instead of using the employee’s thoughts and insights as a powerful recourses, Lars went ahead with his team of executives and implemented his strategies disregarding any feedback. Behavioral Perspective– Although Lars displays task-oriented behavior by pushing company to reach a certain goal, he lacks in people-oriented behavioral skills. This could explain for his disregard to his subordinates trust and lack of employee morale. Transformational Perspective– Lars failed to create a strategic vision for Profitel. By using one he could have build employee morale by increasing commitment and rewarding based on performances. Questions 2: What can organizations do to minimize the leadership problems discussed above? In this case Profitel’s broad based there to hire Lars as CEO based on reputation rather than focusing on how his expertise could benefit their company. Lars took incentive in implementing all major decisions without others input or involvement. The board of directors seemed to have minimal role in the company’s development and should have taken more precautions like overseeing major decisions. Also they should have evaluated his internal performance through feedback from employees and external performance through customers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Jo Goodwin Parkers “What is Poverty” Essay Example

Jo Goodwin Parkers â€Å"What is Poverty† Essay Example Jo Goodwin Parkers â€Å"What is Poverty† Essay Jo Goodwin Parkers â€Å"What is Poverty† Essay We should always help people who are in need. In almost any place in the world today, offerin help or aiding another person even in the simplest ways, can go a long a way. However, help should not only be extended to those who are victims of calamities such as typhoons, earthquakes, and tsunamis but also poor people whom we cncounter everyday. Doing so will somehow alleviate the pain being felt by people like Jo Goodwin Parker, who recounts her story of poverty in the essay, â€Å"What is Poverty?†In the essay, Ms. Parker revealed how she has been suffering in her impoverished state for a very long time now. However, she is quick to emphasize that she wants be people to understand here story rather than simply pity her. She recounted how she does not have enough food and water and has been living in a torn down shelter for many years. Worst of all, her children have suffered greater than she has as they have bad cases of worm-infections, very dirty clothing, and lived on used diapers. And she emphasizes that despite all the programs and government institutions that offer help to the poor, she is still unable to improve her and her childrens lives because sadly, everything she needs such as food, hot water, soap, shovel, medicine, and books, require a susbtantial amount of money which is doe not have.It can be surmised that Ms. Parker embodies the poor which we see everyday. She represents the sector of society that most needs help. As Ms. Parker said, she â€Å"did not come from another place or another time† (Parker n.p.). She, like many others, are around us and therefore, it is our duty to always help people who are in need.Parker, Jo Goodwin. â€Å"What is Poverty?† 1971. University of Oklahoma Press. 8 July 2009 ;;.

Monday, October 21, 2019

mass media Essay Example

mass media Essay Example mass media Essay mass media Essay University of Phoenix Material Consumption and Mass Media Worksheet 1 . Respond to all questions with academic paragraphs of at least 50 words. State your point of view and explain it thoroughly. What is conspicuous consumption? How does conspicuous consumption influence purchasing decisions? Think about a high-priced item that you have bought or would like to buy. To what extent does conspicuous consumption affect your decision? Conspicuous consumption Is the act or practice of spending money on expensive things that are not necessary in order to impress other people, this influences urchases by making people feel like wearing a certain brand, driving a particular car, and go to certain places to eat, shop, and hang out is the only way to be accepted in a social circle. There is a coach backpack purse that I would like to have that I plan on buying in the near future. I know that conspicuous consumption does not affect my decision because I choose to buy things because I like them not because I want to impress others. What is conspicuous leisure? Examples of conspicuous leisure are abundant on television. In what ways are leisure activities informed by ocial and economic class? Provide an example of a popular leisure activity. What assumptions can you make about the participants of the activity? Conspicuous leisure is visible leisure for the sake of displaying social status. Golf and basketball country clubs or exclusive neighborhoods are usually set aside for social classes, assumptions you can make about someone playing golf is that they are wealthy own a really big house and has at least one sports car. Define the term globalization. What effect does globalization have on popular culture? Provide an example of how American popular culture has influenced other countries, or how the United States has imported popular culture from other countries. Globalization is the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets. The effect globalization has on popular culture by having out of the country Jobs through telemarketing and customer service Jobs. 2. Choose an advertisement. Analyze the ad for its media message. Answer the ollowing questions based on that ad. Who created the media message? Why? Yoplait yogurt is the creator of the media message. The purpose of the commercial is gogurt advertising. Who is the intended audience? What do you know about the intended audience†age, race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic background, hobbies, profession? The intended audience is for children and parents on the go there is no specific race, ethnicity or gender seems to be targeted . What type of lifestyle is home mom sending her children to school with lunch, the idea of a say at home mom oing that is realistic because that is what I do which made the commercial relatable to me. What is the text, written or in another form, of the message? What do you see and hear: written or spoken words, photos, drawings, logos, design, music, sounds, and so on? On the way out of the door the Yoplait yogurt logo shows up while the kids are walking out and one of the kids eating the product. What is the hidden text? What is unstated or implied in the message? Although this is commercial for yogurt there was a statement that said natural colors natural flavors giving the impression that he Smokey look for women with makeup is not natural or Just make up itself. What values are expressed? family What groups of people are empowered in this message? What groups are disempowered? How so? This message empowers mothers that have children on the go What part of the story is not being told? How and where could you get more information about the untold stories? The part of the story that is not told is that what does moms make up have to do with yogurt or why is there an apparent gap in relationship with mothers and children. I do not know how to retrieve more nformation on this story. Can these messages affect how you think and feel? Why or why not? Provide examples Yes this message can affect how I think or feel because I am tricked into thinking that Im looking at a makeup commercial but its yogur. Can these messages affect your behavior? Why or why not? Provide examples These messages can affect my behavior only if allow it to Can the messages affect the cultural values in society in general? Why or why not? Provide examples. Yes yogurt is made to look more appealing to children and parents are a big Joke

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Strategies for Your Side Hustle

7 Strategies for Your Side Hustle In a perfect world, we’d all get paid handsomely to do what we’re most talented at doing, or what we’re most passionate about doing. In our world, however, we often end up choosing jobs and career paths for a more complicated set of reasons: some skills are more marketable than others; bills need to be paid; or maybe there just aren’t enough full-time job openings for someone who makes custom jewelry for hamsters. Whatever the reason, your day job might not be your ideal passion. If there’s something you’re yearning to do, or just want to make some extra money on the side, you have options for creating a fun and profitable â€Å"side hustle† for yourself.Think about what you already have going for yourself.Are you crafty? Do all of your friends come to you for proofreading or grammar advice? Have you developed monster design skills over the years, even though you’re an accountant? You may have skills or interests with earning po tential, even if you don’t realize it yet.Don’t forget that if you have a skill or interest that isn’t fully developed, you can take classes or spend some time honing them into business-ready shape. You don’t need to be ready to launch overnight.Make sure it fits.If you have a skill that might be profitable but you don’t love doing it, then you may be better off not pursuing it. Remember that you’ll likely be doing this in your spare time. If you can’t face the idea of going home after a long day at work and spending three more hours editing the huge batch of photos you were hired to take at your cousin’s friend’s bar mitzvah last weekend, then maybe you’re not ready to start a second career as a photographer.Take a look at your life overall. You’ll need to devote a lot of time to your new side gig: producing goods or performing services, selling and marketing yourself, developing your brand, and dealing wi th the logistics of getting your stuff out there. If you’re already crunched for time for basics like meals, sleep, or family time, chances are you just won’t have enough time for your fledgling business.Check out your potential market.If there are already 18,000 freelance designers in your city looking for jobs on sites like, you might want to think twice about entering that fray. Before you start any kind of side business venture for yourself, research the heck out of it! Know what kind of online sales and marketing channels are available to you and what kind of audience you would be serving. Make sure you understand who would be buying from you and what kind of quality they expect.This research is also essential to help you figure out pricing for your business, based on what’s out there You want to make sure you’re not undercharging and costing yourself potential profits or overcharging and scaring away potential customers. See what’s working for other people in your field, and come up with a pricing game plan.Get expert advice.Reach out to other professionals in your chosen area. Ask questions about what’s worked for them and what didn’t, and try to get a sense of what the obstacles are for someone embarking on this- especially part-time. Their advice can not only show you a path forward (or at least let you know where the potholes are on the road), but also give you a sense of how you should package yourself.Don’t let lack of cash deter you from getting started.If you have a brilliant idea and a plan for implementing it but you need money to pay for materials or development, consider crowdfunding it. Sites like GoFundMe or Kickstarter can not only help you raise funds, but also build a network of potential allies and customers to help you bring your vision to the masses.Build your brand.There are so many free online tools you can use to promote your business, there’s no excuse not t o take advantage. This is especially key when you’re just starting out. If you’re not sure yet whether you want to invest your full attention and resources into your new business, start with basics like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram before you invest in creating and maintaining your own website.Develop your business sense.In addition to getting your skills and plan in order, make sure you also know about any legal or financial implications. It can’t be a surprise that Uncle Sam will expect you to pay taxes on your awesome new enterprise, so make sure you’ve done your research about how your taxes will be affected by your status as an independent vendor or contractor. If you want to develop your basic business skills, you can do your own research or take classes online through Coursera or hustle is real. As long as you’re doing something that’s fun and stimulating for you (and legal!), there’s no reason you shouldnâ₠¬â„¢t have a mini-career on the side. And who knows? It could turn into your full-time gig somewhere down the line.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The movie Analysis. When Harry Met Sally Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The movie Analysis. When Harry Met Sally - Essay Example This happens before the drive to New York City. The second stage occurs during the drive and is known as the stage of experimentation. During this stage, there is an attempt on the part of both the characters to look for common characteristics in their personalities. Much of the tension in the movie arises out of the fact that this stage stretches for a very long time. The next stage is the intensifying stage. During this stage, the two parties seek to take the relationship forward and develop it further. Harry and Sally take a long time in reaching this stage and it happens during the New Year Eve party when they realize the attraction that they felt for each other. It is during the next stage, that of integration, that they engage in sexual intercourse. The act of sex then can be seen to be one where the members of the couple disclose hidden parts of themselves to the other. The next stage of bonding for Harry and Sally arrives, one may speculate after the events of the movie as th e formal declaration of love comes at the end of the movie. The stage of disintegration, on the other hand, never really arrives (Knapp and Vangelisti; Reiner). The different stages of love in the movie are ironically, shown to develop not between Harry and Sally but between different characters and the members of the lead couple. ... There is a great emphasis on the stages between initiation and bonding in the movie. It makes it clear that these stages may not move through very quickly and the appeal of the movie lay largely in the audience’s wish for the stages to pass by quickly. The stage of bonding is looked upon as the most desirable one and the one that every relationship is supposed to lead up to. The stage of experimentation is looked upon as one of the most conventionally romantic stages and the elongation of this is considered to be one of the reasons for the enduring popularity of this movie. The Johari model can also be used to analyse the different stages of the relationship within the movie. There are different windows that different parts of the relationships within the movie occupy. In the beginning, Harry and Sally both occupy the window of the arena. They are aware of those sides of themselves that are known to the society at large as well. There is no knowledge that is hidden from the so ciety and known to the other person. As a result, there is no proress in the relationship and it remains stagnant. Later on, the space of the blind spot is opened up for discussion as Harry and Sally are made to confront the validity of their beliefs. These are challenged as they are made aware of those aspects of their personalities that they are not aware of but the society is. This happens through the interventions of the two characters. The relationship develops further and to its logical conclusion when the couple separates itself into a unit separate from the society. This happens when they move into the space that is designated as the facade. In this stage, the characters are

Friday, October 18, 2019

Legal and Ethical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legal and Ethical Issues - Essay Example Therefore, social and medical workers direct all their efforts on decreasing level of smoking among elderly people (Gardner, 2002). In the UK only 1 in 10 general healthcare staff disagreed with a smoking ban in health-care centres for elder people (Gardner, 2002). It means that the great interest of medical staff is focused on the decrease of the level of smokers in health care centres (Gardner, 2002). Some elderly people have a long-term â€Å"habit† of smoking. Thus once an old person loses a beloved spouse, he may start smoking again even if he gave it up earlier. Smoking can destroy the health of smokers and non-smokers around them. The latter breathe in cigarette smoke. Mass media has propagated a tolerant attitude to smoking for a long time being driven by commercial triggers (Chiva&Stears, 2001). The issue is even more complicated if it refers to elderly smokers in a care setting. Some elderly people suffer from numerous diseases and it is relevant to inform them about health hazards caused by smoking. It is quite clear that smoking is a trigger of cancer, lung diseases and many other illnesses (Chiva&Stears, 2001). Thus, it is relevant to find a solution to this problem from legal and ethical perspectives. Ethical issues There are four basic ethical principles: respect for person, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Elderly people who undergo treatment in health care settings should be treated in accordance with these ethical principles. For example, a principle of respect for person is reflected if smokers are aware of the fact that their smoking violates health protection of people around them. On the other hand, freedoms of smokers should not be violated (a principle of autonomy works here); public intrusion of non-smoking policy into personal choices of smokers etc. These issues can be complicated by many other considerations: elderly people have a long-term â€Å"habit† of smoking. Therefore older people endanger thei r relatives or people around them and expose people in a care setting to second-hand smoke. A controversial ethical dilemma occurs: whether to ban or not to ban smoking to old person? It is a violation of smoker’s freedom, is not it? First of all, a smoker is a citizen. He should not feel that their freedoms are restricted. Smoking is not an illegal practice. Of course, there is no doubt that good of the public should not be sacrificed in the name of a smoker’s satisfaction. Legal issues If to consider smoking from the perspective of smoking as a personal choice of a smoker, then smoking ban should be considered from legal and ethical perspectives. In accordance with the American Medical Association Code, â€Å"Health professionals are under obligation to put the patients first, regardless of economic status or physical condition. Each profession within the health care field has adopted its own code of conduct† (Gardner, 2002).. With regard to an elder patient o f health care setting in case he cannot make decisions himself, it is relevant to take control over his mental capacity. In case, â€Å"a decision should be made for them, that decision must be made in that person’s best interests. You must also consider whether there is another way of making the decision which might not affect the person’s rights and freedom of action  as much (known as  the â€Å"least restrictive alternative principle†

Compare between SAP system and Microsoft Dynamics system in ( Bill of Research Paper

Compare between SAP system and Microsoft Dynamics system in ( Bill of material) - Research Paper Example Others include NAV, SL, and AX. Dynamics NAV is designed in a way to suite mid-size companies. It is an ERP that incorporates both basic PM and accounting functions that are offered by other types like SL. Dynamics SL is best suited for managing projects and other accounting roles across many divisions in a firm. It was made to target construction management firms, distributors and any other contractor. Dynamics GP which will be our focus of discussion in this analysis is used mainly in the Americas, UK and Ireland, the Middle East, Australia and New Zealand. It was one of the first accounting packages released in the USA and was meant to run on Windows 32 bit machines. It was designed to be used in financial management, supply chain management, human resource management, project management and manufacturing. Dynamics AX was designed for global corporations and modern manufacturing firms. It offers all the functionalities of GP and also provides advanced business reporting and intell igence. SAP Business One This is an ERP that is used by all type of businesses i.e. small, medium and even in large companies. It is applied in business functions ranging from customer relationship management, purchasing and supplies, financial management and business analytics. It also provides comprehensive business intelligence and reporting. In 2011, SAP introduced a solution that was meant to consolidate business and enable intercompany integration. This was to enable multinationals to manage transactions and activities across multiple databases. The functions of the SAP ERP system can be broadly categorized into four broad modules i.e. Financial, Human Capital Management, Operations and Corporate Services. In financial management, it supports for multiples currencies, bank reconciliation and budgeting. In human capital management, it is applied in functions of managing the payroll, recruitment, human resources, learning and development and analysis of work functions. In operat ions, it provides functions like purchasing, manufacturing and research and development. In corporate services, it helps in asset management in areas ranging from real estate, travel management and project management. The business area chosen for comparison in this paper is supply chain management functions with respects to each ERP package. Supply Chain Management When we discuss about supply chain management, the discussion is based on two main core ideas; Every product that reaches the customers will represent a collective effort of many corporate organizations and this firms will be collectively referred collectively as a supply chain Unfortunately most businesses have only focused what happens within their premises in as much supply chains have existed for a long time. Therefore few business have understood the entire chain of activities that leads to the ultimate delivery of the final products to the customer Therefore supply chain management can be referred to the management of all the supply chain activities in order to improve

Thursday, October 17, 2019

An Analysis of How Several EU Policies Influence (Have Influenced) The Essay

An Analysis of How Several EU Policies Influence (Have Influenced) The Operations of Carrefour - Essay Example Through these centres the company has spread up its operations based along 9,500 outlets whether managed by company or by franchises. Other than European countries the company has also spread its operations in areas belonging to Latin America and other Asian countries like China (Carrefour-a, n.d.). It is found that the maximum of the revenues of the firm is generated from its operation outside the European countries which is found to generate around 57 percent of the total revenue of the Carrefour group. The retail company also specialises in meeting the demands of both the internal and external set of consumers. Focusing on the internal aspects the company works in highly motivating and encouraging the staffs to take quality decisions and also enhances the knowledge base of the people through encouraging them to take part in group activities. Similarly focusing on the external consumer base the company works in generating quality products at affordable prices to the consumers. Carr efour also works in carving and enhancing the loyalty relationship with the consumer bases (Carrefour, 2009). Carrefour thus based in an European country the paper endeavours to evaluate the impacts of the policies formulated by the European Union on the operations and internal policies of the company. The Policies of the European Union Three significant areas are highlighted on which the European Commission has issued separate policies. In regards to bring about harmony in the economic and financial sector the European Union has generated the Euro currency which would tend to bring about unity in the trade and economic activities pertaining to the European Countries. The generation of Euro as the common currency of the European nations has helped the financial institutions belonging to such countries to effectively tackle the financial emergency emanating out of the event of the credit crunch. Moreover the issue of Euro has helped in reducing the cost of transferring or converting currencies while travelling from one European country to another. Similarly the uniformity brought in the price tags of the products helps in safeguarding the consumers from being cheated by the different retailers. Moreover the introduction of the Euro has helped in reducing the cost of money transfers among banks and financial institutions thus encouraging the consumers of such organisations to go about with the money transfers without subjecting to any hazard (Europa, 2011). The introduction of the Euro thus is found to bring about economic, social and political stability among the European nations. It helps in the extension of trade and commerce and thereby creates ample opportunities for jobs and employment. Retail consumerism has also gained newer dimensions owing to the introduction of Euro where the retail firms are bound to tag the prices of the products uniformly thus enhancing transparency (Agraa and Ardy, 2011, p.182). The second policy of the European Union which comes into light is regarding directions in order to sustain the hygiene and freshness of the food products for both humans and animals. Maintenance of high hygiene standards is being regulated for the several European nations through the introduction

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison - Essay Example He is like the newborn child with total loss of memory, forgets his name, powerless to comprehend speech, and a formless identity. This birth involves no parents and he interacts with the doctors lonely. The narrator is rather ambushed by the arrogance of the medical science, and the doctors advise him to establish his own new identity, as he has no past now. The identity imposed on him in societal terms has ceased to exist. It is a new act in the drama of his life, which has no connections to the earlier acts. He is without any support and has lost connectivity. His suffering related to his identity has not ended and he is undergoing a new type of suffering, in view of the imposed inferiority complex. Since the narrator has lost the ability to speak, the doctors are unable to extract any information about his identity. In the absence of any documentary proof about the antecedents of the patient, the doctors arrive to their own conclusions based on their knowledge of racial history a nd racial stereotypes. As the narrator suffers the seizures of electric shock treatment, the doctors note sarcastically that black people have excellent rhythm. This derogatory comment is the barometer for the thinking level of the white doctors and how racist beliefs are ingrained in them. Lobotomy episode is significant as it creates two different personalities out of one individual. The narrator has lost forever his black identity established through the historical processes of several centuries. 2. Mary Rambo is a unique character and the narrator is fascinated by her neutral but unique societal disposition. In the dingy societal reactions that confronted him often, Mary Lambo is an exception. She treats him with utmost affections and provides him with food and shelter. Her humane quality of willing acceptance without any reservations fills hopes in the life of the narrator. Mary does

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

An Analysis of How Several EU Policies Influence (Have Influenced) The Essay

An Analysis of How Several EU Policies Influence (Have Influenced) The Operations of Carrefour - Essay Example Through these centres the company has spread up its operations based along 9,500 outlets whether managed by company or by franchises. Other than European countries the company has also spread its operations in areas belonging to Latin America and other Asian countries like China (Carrefour-a, n.d.). It is found that the maximum of the revenues of the firm is generated from its operation outside the European countries which is found to generate around 57 percent of the total revenue of the Carrefour group. The retail company also specialises in meeting the demands of both the internal and external set of consumers. Focusing on the internal aspects the company works in highly motivating and encouraging the staffs to take quality decisions and also enhances the knowledge base of the people through encouraging them to take part in group activities. Similarly focusing on the external consumer base the company works in generating quality products at affordable prices to the consumers. Carr efour also works in carving and enhancing the loyalty relationship with the consumer bases (Carrefour, 2009). Carrefour thus based in an European country the paper endeavours to evaluate the impacts of the policies formulated by the European Union on the operations and internal policies of the company. The Policies of the European Union Three significant areas are highlighted on which the European Commission has issued separate policies. In regards to bring about harmony in the economic and financial sector the European Union has generated the Euro currency which would tend to bring about unity in the trade and economic activities pertaining to the European Countries. The generation of Euro as the common currency of the European nations has helped the financial institutions belonging to such countries to effectively tackle the financial emergency emanating out of the event of the credit crunch. Moreover the issue of Euro has helped in reducing the cost of transferring or converting currencies while travelling from one European country to another. Similarly the uniformity brought in the price tags of the products helps in safeguarding the consumers from being cheated by the different retailers. Moreover the introduction of the Euro has helped in reducing the cost of money transfers among banks and financial institutions thus encouraging the consumers of such organisations to go about with the money transfers without subjecting to any hazard (Europa, 2011). The introduction of the Euro thus is found to bring about economic, social and political stability among the European nations. It helps in the extension of trade and commerce and thereby creates ample opportunities for jobs and employment. Retail consumerism has also gained newer dimensions owing to the introduction of Euro where the retail firms are bound to tag the prices of the products uniformly thus enhancing transparency (Agraa and Ardy, 2011, p.182). The second policy of the European Union which comes into light is regarding directions in order to sustain the hygiene and freshness of the food products for both humans and animals. Maintenance of high hygiene standards is being regulated for the several European nations through the introduction

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Queer culture from the 19th century through modern times Term Paper

Queer culture from the 19th century through modern times - Term Paper Example Notions of identity, freedom, and autonomy have marked the recent intellectual era. These serve as the as the fundamental and dominant principles and ideologies that underlie liberalism in the society. These ideals necessitate acceptance and respect towards a person’s subjectivity and dignity. However, human experiences are suffused with struggles for equality, rights and acceptance. Stories of oppression and subjugation of gays, lesbians, women, people of color and others have posed a question regarding the authenticity of the notion of the public sphere - the arena wherein equals meet, and where peers encounter. Thus, the search for the person within the public sphere has led to a gamut of discourses centering on the person, or focusing on the public sphere or in combination of - who is the person? and what is the public sphere? In the context of continued struggle of gays for acceptance and freedom, this study will be dealing with queer theory, focusing on gay literature. I t will assert the proposition that queer theory is one of the most viable approaches in explaining the current predicament of gay persons as they reaffirm facets of humanity that have been long denied as an authentic expression of being human. As such, the study aims to show the gay community’s struggle for equality in society as their plight is marked by marginalization, shame, discrimination and exclusion. Queer theory denotes a sense of difference or strangeness.2 The researcher acknowledges that queer theory can be learned from different perspectives, and that gay literatures provide valuable and particular view of queer theory rooted in gays’ experiences, articulations and existence in the world. 3 In light of this, the study will use genealogical methodology as it traces the historical underpinnings of queer theory from 19th century to the present. This is done with the supposition that the struggles, which queer theory seeks to explain, are rooted in centuries o f suppression as experienced by homosexuals. In addition, this study is significant, as it will attempt to clarify queer theory. The research will have the following structure. The first part is the introduction, which presents the topic of the research, the methodology use for research, the structure of the paper, and the probable outcome of the study. The following part will deal with the discussion of queer theory from the 19th century to the present. The first sub section will deal with the evolution of the terms ‘homosexual and gay’ focusing on the 19th century use of the terms. The second sub-section will deal with the 19th century status of homosexuals and the underlining factors that contributed to their predicament. The third part will deal with the first half of the 20th century situation of gay culture and the fourth part will be focusing on the second half of the 20th century with emphasis on gay liberation and other dynamic changes during this period. Final ly, the third and last part of the research deals with the critical analysis of the subject matter of the research. In this part, an analysis of the findings of the study will be undertaken. In the end, it is the hope of the researcher that this research may help dispel the notion that one of the definitive attributes of a person’s humanity is the construed gender and attach sexuality to person’s biological makeup. Queer Theory: 19th century to the Present Although this research does not address narratives about homosexuality prior to the 19th, it does not mean they did not exist prior to 19th century. Instead, aside from reasons of limitations in the research, the 19th century discussions of homosexuality pave the way for the modern understanding of homosexuality, thus, creating a break in the understanding of homosexuality and homosexuals. 4 The modern discourse has created and offered new approaches in understanding gay oppression as it establishes fresh viewpoints of homosexuality. In this regard, I will be undertaking a genealogy of queer theory f

Intergenerational Family Violence Essay Example for Free

Intergenerational Family Violence Essay The family violence has taken a new toll in the current times. The family violence has become very common indeed and the number of offenders in these crimes has increased far beyond the reach. The cases originate on daily basis and the statistics show that most of the times victims are females who are physically and mental abused in different ways. In these scenarios it has been observed that these events cause much more damage to the children who watch these events often. The child abuse on the other hand has also become debatable as the cases increase. The intergenerational family violence might not have been studied before but it has always been available to study whenever there is an event of family violence. The human nature is based on social learning theory. It is the human tendency to watch the behaviors and then try to implement in their personalities (Murrell et al, 2007). Behaviorists have put forward the theory that the social learning theory is applicable only when if it triggers a change in the behavior of the observer whereas the theorists say that the learning process is an ever going process and it is not incomplete if it doesn’t cause any change in the behavior (Kernsmith, 2006). Whatever the theorists and behaviorists state about the social learning theory, it is evident that the observations of these events cause damage to the future lives of those who watch these family violence events. Postmodern thinking supports these claims, stating that individuals â€Å"create the social reality for their behavior according to how they interpret norms in particular milieus† (Markward, 1997). Child abuse has different effects on the victims. Some children after these events become reserve and some become violent. Even also watching the abusing of their mothers in front of them creates a negative notion in their minds about the realities of life (Pollak, 2004). This is the learning process as described by the theorists. The observations made by child make a deep impact on the mind intentionally or unintentionally. Sometimes the action doesn’t come right after the observation. It is dependent about the mental strength of the individual on how much extreme extent he has to formalize his mind towards these events. But surely the mind is working as the interpretation process continues from time to time (Kernsmith, 2006). In order to cause change the mind works in such a way to determine how much impact such event has made. For example, continuous abusing observations might make the child to become violent at times, even if he is not violent the aggregation of emotions might be taking place in his mind which makes him to get reserved to the situations from time to time. A time comes when the mentality of the child becomes harnessed by the violent activities and he also starts to become violent at times (Corvo, 2006). Thus the change has been triggered in the behavior of the child after looking at these abusing events continuously. This makes the situation awful not only for the child because by this way they cause different violent activities and the victims may increase in numbers depending upon the strength of activities (Pollak, 2004). The violent psychology taken forward by the children has been creating lot of issues. The US population is filled with those who have tensions grown up in their households due to different financial and emotionally problems (Kernsmith, 2006). These usually end up fighting and one of them getting beaten. The children also come down in the impact of these fighting resulting in long term future damage to their lives. The behaviorists say that the children have a tendency to attract to those thing quickly which make a deep impact on their mind and heart. They are emotionally immature at early stages and an action like abusing them or their parents can increase their interest towards these activities (Murrell et al, 2007). It has also been observed that the continuous family violence has been exhibited by those who have gone through this violence before in their lives when they were young (Corvo, 2006). Thus an event like this happening in their early lives provides them the luxury to be like them in the future as they commit family violence by abusing their children and their spouses. Many researchers have observed a relation between the events happening in an early age of a young one when he experienced violence and those offences which he committed when he was adult. This phenomenon is now known as intergenerational transmission of violence and aggression. Researchers believe that the pattern of social learning theory makes its mark by providing the model to the child as he also sees the positive results due to this violence (Kernsmith, 2006). Most often the result of abusing her mother by her father results in the victory of the father due to his aggressive attitude and then therefore inherits these positive results to implement them in his behavior. Learning theories, such as socialization, social learning, and elements of feminist theory, asserts that behaviors are learned throughout our lives through our interactions with others. This is how the socialization then gets affected by the family violence as it is then exhibited outside the homes (Corvo, 2006). The social learning theory is based on the study of behaviors. With change in behaviors the extremism of these violent acts can be configured by the child as he observes all these events. When we critically evaluate the works of the researchers we come to know that there theories are practical and are very close to reality. That is, formally it was believed that the social learning theory doesn’t have any impact on the child’s behaviors and how he interprets different things and scenarios differently. These theories are nevertheless were thought to be just taught in the classrooms without any practical implementations to be viewed. But certain examples with results have provided the evidence that each and every action is based on some behavior and behavioral change in the children. Alan Sears has been the follower of the social learning theory and he stated the change to be inevitable in each case. It, however, depends upon the current and future scenarios when the person feels the extreme need to behave in a particular order. According to Hume Lock’s theory of empiricism the child mind is a blank slate after he is born. He just starts to observe things when his mind becomes little bit old. But still the child doesn’t have any ability to differentiate between the things quickly. He first acknowledges difference between things and then tries to remember them. The object of family violence plays its part when the child starts to learn these behaviors and try to compare them with others in contexts of their results. This learning process binds these actions in his mind and produce intimidation. The intimidation is considered as the urge of something to do. This urge is the force that drives the child to implement those actions which he had learnt over time and time. Now when this intimidation gets extreme, the action follows (Pollak, 2004). The strength of the action will be less at first but the result might be satisfying for him thus providing him the strength to commit this again. These continuous steps will make the child habitual of these things and the interpretation of things and difference between good and bad become ineligible in the mental stature of the child. The intimidation process is then followed by reinforcement. The reinforcement is the final phase of the social learning theory where the mind of the person has become mature enough to stand by his rules and principles and actions which he first observed and then followed over the course of his. The string of these events has made the mind to do violent as a good act and the maturity of the man accepts these actions as inevitable to bring about a change in others as well. In order to clearly view the reasons of these violent activities we have to go through a number of research steps through the prison record checks and the information provided by various NGOs. This information depicts the facts that the family violence is caused by difference in mental statures of the two who are involved. The gender differences, the act of domination by male on his spouse, the financial and emotionally tensions and the mentality of the person of his childhood when he would have experienced such event and would have thought that it will be better off to get aggressive and make people agree by force rather than negotiations, thus providing a lot easier battleground to them to conquer (Pollak, 2004). The intergenerational transmission of family violence has made the problems to arise in whole of the America. There are very common cases of these events taking place on common basis. People get hurt physically without any reasons and the innocent children who grow up by being abused or watching get people abused try to implement these behaviors afterwards. In order to remove these kinds of violent activities it is imperative that the laws should be made more severe for those who are adult and also they have to provide a facility where they can control their aggression and should be treated for the change in behaviors. The children which have been affected by these events should be taken in for great care as to change their pattern of thinking process which could benefit them in their future lives. References Murrell, Amy R. Christoff, Karen A. Henning, Kris R. (2007). Characteristics of Domestic Violence Offenders: Associations with Childhood Exposure to Violence. Springer Science + Business Media. Corvo, Kenneth. (2006). Violence, Separation, and Loss in the Families of Origin of Domestically Violent Men. Kernsmith, Poco. (2006). Gender Differences in the Impact of Family of Origin Violence on Perpetrators of Domestic Violence. Pollak, Robert A. (2004). An Intergenerational Model of Violence. Springer Verlag.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Negative Effects of Societys Dependence on Technology

Negative Effects of Societys Dependence on Technology Introduction Communication is the exchanging or transferring of a message between a sender and a receiver. Communication devices nowadays is commonly used throughout the modern world to send and to receive information. Communication devise are used in personal life, business, and even society as a whole. The devices might vary, but the object is still the same, to send and receive information. There are many types of communication device such as computer. The computers such as home computer and laptop computers became a vital communication device in modern life. Computers has given the user the ability to communicate using word, video, and audio. A computer enables the user to access the internet such as social networks, emails, and more. Computers are also used in various field in factories. And also computers are used in automotive vehicles. An automotive vehicle can have multiple computers that communicate between each to maintain proper functionality. A laptop computer is a mobile computer. T hey have the same functionality as desktop computers such as accessing internet, email and video conferencing. Secondly there are smartphones. A smartphone is a small computer that also functions like a telephone. Smartphones typically include digital voice service, internet access, email and text messaging. Unlike a telephone, a smartphone can do a lot more such as photo snapping, audio recording and more. Smartphones also run a wide range of computer applications for business and entertainment. And there are also Tablet PC such as ipad. A tablet PC refers to a tablet computer, a kind of mobile computer, they usually have touchscreen or pen-enabled interface like some of the smartphones. It is also a tablet personal computer, a type of tablet which runs an adapted version of a desktop operating system. They normally have the functionality as a computer. Dangers of a society which depends on computer screens rather than face-to-face contact  for communication Physical Health Issues Using a computer can cause back, neck and shoulder pain, eyestrain, and overuse injuries of hands and wrists. Spending too much time on computer can contribute to obesity and other health problems. But you can reduce these risks with proper workstation design, better posture and good habits, such as taking rest breaks and restricting time spent playing computer games. The more time a person spends on a computer, the less likely the person is to participate in physical activities, which can result in weight gain. A person also is likely to experience eye and back strain and possibly repetitive injuries from computer use. Beyond these issues, computers can create turmoil for users by reacting slowly or suffering from viruses and other problems, requiring repair. The more dependent users are on their computers, the more likely these setbacks will affect their stress level and overall health. Besides, facing too much computers will lead exposure to radiation. Anonymity One of the main issues with computer-mediated communication comes from a lack of accountability with users. People are able to represent themselves as whatever they want on Internet forums or social networks, and this creates communication problems in both directions. A user may distort who he is by not providing accurate details about himself, and this lack of honesty affects how that person is viewed. The cloak of anonymity allows a user to potentially infringe upon socially accepted practices like tolerance or politeness. Violation of Privacy Communicating via computers can help people bridge large geographical gaps and access remote information, but doing so may open up a persons privacy more than he might want. With an in-person meeting or phone conversation, there is a relative assurance that details of those exchanges will remain private. However, with email, text messaging or message boards, there is a record of what people say. Information is not just thrown out into the air like speech, but it stored as a permanent record. There is an inherent danger when third parties can access these online conversations. Similarly, social networks and other Internet-based communication tools are vulnerable to privacy breach, as users often engage in these activities on public networks, leaving personal information, potentially, out in the open. Misinterpretation The fact that most communication taking place on computers comes in the form of text can actually be a negative in terms of our ability to understand things clearly. Even with email, it is possible for information to be misconstrued or the emotion of a statement to be missed. Saying thanks a lot to someone in an e-mail message, for instance, could be used to genuinely relay gratitude. On the other hand, it could indicate a negative feeling of someone being put in a tough position. The context clues that a person provides with their body language and tone of voice are lost in this scenario. Users get around some of this confusion by using emoticons keyboard characters that serve as a shorthand for mood and feeling but a great deal of subtlety can be missed without seeing how someone reacts with their body language and voice. One of the dangers with multimedia tools is that people using those tools are unable to gain instant feedback like face-to-face conversation offers. Even on vid eo conferencing and video calls, one participant or the other can easily step outside the range of the camera and make faces, look at other stimuli such as emails or websites, or even make comments that cant be heard by the other correspondent. This behavior may lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations. Additionally, text-only communication such as email and texting has a lack of immediate feedback. The participants are unable to read body language, tone of voice or facial expression. This lack of feedback often leads to misinterpretation and offense. One particularly difficult kind of multimedia communication is sarcasm or cynicism. That humour is often taken literally in multimedia communication situations, leading to hurt feelings. Cannot spell, use proper punctuation, or proper grammar Many people in generation Y have poor literacy skills. They may be able to read and write weel enough to communicate, but they cannot spell, use proper punctuation, or proper grammar. People will (and are beginning to) miss out on face-to-face contact and thus their social skills will decline. It is possible that after decades of having no, or extremely limited human contact, that we will loose the ability to read body language. This could cause all sorts of misunderstandings and problems. Having limited human contact will cause us to have even less trust in others, and in turn, we will be even less friendly and even more stand-offish. It would lead to an array of health issue such as vitamin deficiencies and depression from lack of sunlight and obesity from a lack of movement. Loosing social skills They lack social skills and also their humane side gradually dies out cause the anonymity also makes them brave enough to be nasty to others and that catches on like wild fire just see how people answer in the religion and spirituality section it’s like a training school for nastiness Dependency Societys dependency on computers for communication is also a dangerous game, as outside forces can prevent communication in a variety of ways. Earthquakes, floods and hurricanes have caused various slowdowns and stoppages of Internet connectivity for people all over the world. Additionally, reliance on social networks and email can have the unintended consequence of opening a person up to identify theft attempts and email scams. Even the outside force of political unrest can threaten a users ability to communicate, as the 2011 demonstrations in Cairo and Libya resulted in government shutdowns of the Internet, drastically curtailing each countrys ability to communicate, both nationally and internationally Stalking Another danger of multimedia tools is the ease with which a person can stalk another. Numerous computer programs use GPS technology to track individuals. Addresses and phone numbers can be found by anyone with a computer and basic search abilities and, with map programs, public records access and other information online, its relatively easy for a determined individual to stalk anyone they choose. This is particularly true of public figures or celebrities, who are monitored at every turn. Hinder family relationships Technology nowadays offers a plethora of ways to communicate so that the members of each family can keep in touch. From text messaging, Skype, webcams, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and emails. The facilitation of communication is very available. However, there are still times when the face-to-face communication between human being fall through the cracks and technology would take control over a family. Some of the family members do not communicate to each other by face-to-face, just because communicate through technology like social interactive online networking is convenient , they choose to send messages through it and not just walk out of their room and talk. Social interactive online networking like Facebook and MySpace has changed the way family members communicate. As a child of a family, I assumed that the problem was more to be on the child side, such as texting through a family dinner, spending most of the time immersed in Facebook. In my opinion, the families that had the wo rst relationship were those who overwhelmed by the amount of technology used in their home. I would suggest the families to solve this problem by having a central location for every of their members to communicate or having a specific time for the members to stay together in a place to have talks. This might be helpful in maintaining the relationship of the members and keeping technology from taking over the life of a family. Conclusion Computers have enabled a large degree of change in how the world communicates and shares information. With all of the benefits that computer-based communication has brought society as a whole, there are distinct disadvantages when compared to face-to-face conversations. The borders between direct face-to-face and computer-mediated interaction will fade away, but they will never completely disappear. Not all forms of socialization can be transmitted by digital media. There are all kinds of experiments in which scientists try to implement digital duplications of smell and feeling into the computer. It is possible to simulate very limited forms of touching. But this almost nothing compared to the high sensibility of our tactile organs. Especially for our intimate personal relations this is an enormous disability. Computers will probably never reach a stage of sophistication at which they can mediated direct human interaction completely, for the simple reason that computers dont have a h uman body. Human beings know and feel certain things because they have a human body. No organism without a human body will ever know and feel the things in the same way humans do. Thats the crucial reason why computers can never be really intelligent.It is understand that the development of information technology has been changing the way of our live completely. Everything become more easily, but, at the expense of personal contact, as many people choose to work at home in front of a computer screen. This brings the serious dangers for a society which depends on computer screen rather than face-to-face contacts. This matter, not just bring bad side for our society, but also for our health. One of the biggest dangers is that people start to live a life without any social contacts. Everyone (who likes to sit in front of the computer) starts to live in his or her own world, a world dominated purely by their computer screen messages. Living in an illusion that millions of friends are ou t there always waiting for you. Friends that will support when you have a bad day, or will cheer you up when you are sad. This ‘artificial bubble’ starts burst as soon as people get into real problem, such as losing their job. From that problem, will lead to another problem. Let say, if we like to live our life in front of our computer’s screen, we are getting lazy and not going out for a walk. Our movement gets limited only in our home. This will makes us isolated from the society outside which we might become lonely just communicating with the computer. For me, this is very bad habit for people to get isolated from the real life. Apart from that, depending on a screen rather than meeting face-to-face is very bad for health. It will make our spine back ill. Sitting for a long time and looking to a screen also makes our eyes bad. This will cause healthy problem for us. We always feel not good with our spine back and we also maybe have to wear eyeglasses when we h ave a problem with our eyes. From my reading, light from the screen can cause bad side for our eyes if we continuously looking at computer screen the whole day long.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Implications For Brain Essay -- Chemis

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Implications For Brain Throughout the course of this semester we have examined numerous issues which have all had different implications for the brain = behavior argument. Some who have been skeptical of the validity of this idea have been swayed by observations that processes and behaviors they originally thought to have a cloudy neurobiological basis in fact have a sound biological and physiological underpinning. One such phenomenon which can help elucidate the ongoing brain = behavior debate is Post-Traumatic Stress disorder, or PTSD. Most people are familiar in some sense with the phenomenon of PTSD. This phenomenon has been renamed, reworked, and redefined numerous times over the past century. The approach to understanding PTSD and the more general notion of traumatic experience has been an interdisciplinary undertaking, involving the fields of medically oriented psychiatry, psychology, sociology, history, and even literature (1). The reason for this interdisciplinary approach is that the greater perception of the phenomenon is seen as having much more than a simple biological basis. It is seen as having multiple external influences. This view is a result of the often overwhelming sense that whatever biological mechanisms are present must be unintelligibly complex. However, there are certain aspects of PTSD which, upon examination, allow one an easy foray into the neurobiology of the disorder. Cathy Caruth, a leading trauma theorist, discusses the definition of PTSD: "While the precise definition of post-traumatic stress disorder is contested, most descriptions generally agree that there is a response, sometimes delayed, to an overwhelming event or events, which takes the form of rep... ... , by Cathy Caruth, a leading trauma theorist. 2) Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: One Method for Processing Traumatic Memory," from Traumatology , by Pat Ogden and Kekuni Minton. 3) Of One Blood , a novel by Pauline Hopkins. 4)"The Repression of War Experience" , by W.H.R. Rivers. 5) "The Neurophysiology of Dissociation and Chronic Disease," from Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback , by Robert C. Scaer. 6) "Approaches to the Treatment of PTSD" , by Bessel A. van der Kolk and Onno van der Hart. 7) The Psychology of Fear and Stress , by J. Gray.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Geography of Cuba Essay -- Essays Papers

Geography of Cuba The geography of Cuba is very diverse, with large mountain ranges spanning the western and south central regions, and a beautiful 2,320 mile coastline that boasts white, sandy beaches to the north. The semitropical climate of Cuba supports lush, agricultural fields in which many species of plants and animals thrive. The main island of Cuba is about 40,543 sq. miles, and Cuba's Isla de la Juventud (Island of Youth) covers about 1,180 sq. miles. Also part of the Republic are four sets of small archipelagos: the Sabana, the Colorados, the Canarreos and the Jardines de la Reina. The main type of soil found in Cuba is red clay, along with some sand and limestone hills. A surprising three quarters of Cuba's land is fertile countryside and is readily accessible to many harbors. Cuba has a unique advantage over the other Carribean islands because of its accessibility to harbors, which allows for the transport of agricultural goods easily and efficiently to foreign markets. ...

Religion and Witchcraft Essay

The book â€Å"The Crucible† outlines the era in which Salem, where the plot took place is maneuvered by set of religious practices that must be strictly followed. These days, there is only one basis for righteousness, and allegiances are only between church as the protagonist, or question the church and its people and become looked upon as bad citizens. As such, the ten commandments is the central point wherein the people and the church base their criteria for being right. This fact, was detailed in the book, wherein John Proctor was accused of being not a Christian just because he does not regularly attend Church masses. This showed lack of reasoning from the people, no one attempted or understood how Proctor justified himself from doing so. It is only a case wherein, â€Å"everyone belongs to either God or the Devil. † This quote merely states that when someone does something, it is entirely based on being good or evil, nothing should go halfway between it. This kind situation in this era have pushed the people to discover new ways of interpreting their beliefs or disbeliefs in some cases. The emergence of the idea of witchcraft became a necessary evil that shall offer explanation to the people’s questions. For example, the deaths of Putman’s babies after birth were attributed against the existences of witches. This happened because no one was able to offer any explanation, and thus they retorted towards putting the blame on someone, or something else in order to provide explanations for those occurrences. II. Witchcraft Discovered As narrated in the book, the outbreak of witchcraft’s discovery in the Salem caused massive disturbances amongst the people. The witch hunt and trials that came after the so-called discovery of witches in the town has become a practice that sought for revenge rather than truth. The whole trial became a mockery of the disbeliefs of the people and the fact that no one could explain how things happened around them. â€Å"The witch-hunt was a long overdue opportunity for everyone so inclined to publicly express his guilt and sins, under the cover of accusations against the victims. † (Miller 7) This quotation from the books explains exactly how the trial turned out. As the book expounded, the character Abigail, who was the first to be suspected and who first confessed as having been involved in witchcrafts, was the first to pinpoint â€Å"witches† in the town. Abigail however, used this as a means to punish people who have offended her. She used her â€Å"dark† charm and manipulative ability to lure people into believing her. She has used the town’s fear to her gain and nurtured the growing chaos in the community to preserve her advantage. This misinformation about witchcraft and the religion’s constraints that limited the people to know more about the situation has lead the town to vulnerability. It caused the people more tension and fear and lead to the sufferings of people being accused, and death to those who were not convinced to lie and confess about the accusations. The death of Proctor and Corey is a significant part of the story. It teaches people the value of upholding one’s integrity and principle to save loved ones from further humiliation and injustices. It shows the value of upholding truth even if it meant dying. In this light, as religion has pushed people towards misinformation and disillusionment, people should learn from the story. Innocence and narrow-mindedness has caused detrimental effects not only to one’s self but in the society as a whole. Therefore, as religion becomes part of our life, it mustn’t dictate the way of living in general. Work Cited Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York: Penguin, 1995.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Paulo Coelho Biography

Paulo Coelho No one thought Paulo would ever amount to anything. While attending a Jesuit school as a teenager, he dreamed of becoming a writer. When he revealed his career goals to his mother, she told him â€Å"My dear, your father is an engineer. He's a logical, reasonable man with a very clear vision of the world. Do you actually know what it means to be a writer? † He was determined to prove to them that he could accomplish his dream, whether they approved or not. After he turned seventeen, his parents placed him into a mental institution.Their reason being, they wanted to protect him from himself. Paulo Coelho wanted to be different; he wanted to follow an untraditional path. Coelho later admitted that his parents â€Å"did not do that to destroy me, they did that to save me. † At the time, Paulo must not have understood that since he escaped the institution three times before he was released at age 20. Coelho’s parents convinced him to register for Law Sch ool; they were still well aware of his dream to become a writer.After a year of drudgery in Law School, he finally dropped out to pursue his life as a Hippie, traveling around the world absorbed in the drug culture of that time. He later took up a career in songwriting for Rita Lee, Elis Regina, Raul Seixas. The military government arrested him in 1974 because they believed his lyrics were undermining their authority. Twelve years after that incident, Paulo began the long expedition through the Road of Santiago de Compostela. Little did he know this was the beginning of a new life for him.During his journey he went through a spiritual development, which he describes in more detail in his book The Pilgrimage. Coelho left his songwriting career after saying in an interview â€Å"I had money, but I was not fulfilling my dream. My dream was, and still is, to be a writer. † Even though Paulo was still hesitant about initializing his writing career, he thought to himself, â€Å"If I see a white feather today, that is a sign that God is giving me that I have to write a new book. † Coincidentally, in the window of shop he found a white eather and he kept his promise to himself and began writing after that. He was 38 when his first book was published. In 1986, after writing Hell Archives and adding to Practical Manual of Vampirism, he wrote his first successful book, The Pilgrimage. He discovered a small Brazilian publishing house, and later a bigger publisher, and published his book The Alchemist about 12 months later. The Alchemist has become a best seller in Brazil and has been printed in over 70 languages, selling over 65 million copies!Since then, he has become a well-known author. Some of his other books include Eleven Minutes, The Fifth Mountain, Brida and The Witch of Portobello. Brida and The Alchemist have both been made into successful movies, too. In the end, Paulo had a crazy life, but he never truly gave up on his dream of becoming a writer. No one believed he could do it, except himself. Paulo posted to his Facebook page in September that â€Å"You don't need to explain your dreams. They belong to you,† and has lived by this his whole life.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Diversity - Research Paper Example Managing diversity properly leads to healthy organization of these differences which results in a dynamic milieu where every individual is appreciated and cherished which makes him employ his abilities successfully to accomplish the societal objectives in general and organizational goals in particular. On the other hand, mismanagement of diversity may lead to violence, aggression and revulsion among people. On individual level, diversity helps one to come out of challenging situations by being flexible to troubles. If we talk about business world in United States which is a diverse nation, people of different races and ethnic background are working actively because of the involvement of more women and immigrants. This diversity is necessary for staying in competition with the outer world and ensuring higher productivity. Characteristics that come under the umbrella term of diversity, also sometimes called dimensions of diversity, include age, race, ethnicity, gender, culture, heritage, cognitive approach, beliefs, mental or physical abnormality, socio-economic and educational background, customs and traditions, norms and values, geographical status, religion, art, language, nuptial and family status, political following, sexual orientation, food habits, and etcetera. Every individual is unique but belongs to an identity group at the same time that identifies him. Some of the characteristics are chosen by the individual himself (such as religious beliefs, political affiliation and marital status) while some are given to him by nature or society (such as language, race and ethnicity). Sweetman (2004, p. 2) asserts that diversity can be understood in two dimensions, that is, primary and secondary diversity. He states that primary diversity comprises of those characteristics that an individual cannot alter for himself, such as, â€Å"sex, race or ethnicity, age, physical abilities and qualities, and

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Managing capability Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Managing capability - Essay Example "I learn to be a manager from experience". (Mumford, 177) Then, why is it so complicated to manage people all times whether it is 1990 or 2010? The reason is there is not only one way to manage people but a multitude of ways. Everybody is different; he/she acts and reacts differently to the same situation. There are a lot of variables which intervene like character, knowledge, past experience, etc. Management capabilities area, in business management, is quite complex. People, who take part to this process, have their own strengths and weaknesses. They have their own point of view about what management is their own capability to transfer their knowledge. In addition to it, the working context gets changes. It appears some changes in the employment patterns, in the structure of the organization and in the economical and managerial context. Prospective and Modern Trends in Capabilities Management The environment of the work very much influences the form and the efficiency of the manage ment which is applied. Indeed, there were a lot of changes in the way of managing people, because the structure of the company has changed (restructuring, re-engineering, downsizing...), the market has changed as well (globalization, decentralization, and deregulation), the culture has changed (feminization; psychological contract). The manager has to internalize all these variables to be able to produce a greater managerial work, adapted to his/her audience. The achievement of the objectives depends, to a great extent, on the way the management is applied. Thus, we can propose a definition of management in Naylor’s words that management is the course of gaining organizational targets, within a varying environment, by harmonizing efficiency, effectiveness and equity, acquiring the most from restricted resources, and working with and through other people" (Naylor, 6). Managing Capabilities and its Impact of Organizational Development Management is the practice of attaining org anizational objectives, within a shifting atmosphere, by balancing competence, efficiency and fairness, achieving the most from limited resources, and functioning with and through a successful team comprising other people (Naylor, 6). The enhanced intricacy of the working atmosphere and the improved requirement for better productivity transpire the significance of the individual development and learning phases. In addition, Pickett (1998) affirms that in today set ups, managers, must recognize the core competencies of their organization. This act will guarantee the ample and suitable corresponding between the organizational and the personal or managerial competencies. (Pickett, 111) Khandwalla (2004) research results summarize management capability which has been extremely oriented in successful managers in various organizations throughout the world. The core competencies appear to be goodwill promoting" (p.12). Trustworthiness has a great effect on the capability to earn esteem whi ch eventually helps to activate insufficient resources in tough situations. Planning aptitude and time management capabilities have revealed appositive impact for taking individual responsibilities. In managing capability in corporate sector, team building traits are an essential source for helpful, effectual and relaxed environment. Some schools have different approaches to

Monday, October 7, 2019

Contract for difference(CFDs) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Contract for difference(CFDs) - Essay Example Following this the next chapter will deal with the pricing of the CFDs. Also the trading of the CFDs will be discussed in detail within this chapter. This will provide for a better understanding of the working of the CFDs and will also detail the risks that face the investors who invest in the CFDs. The chapter will also provide for details of how the CFDs can be hedged. This chapter will form the body of the research and will discuss the details like the trading methods that can be used for these financial instruments. Also the pros and contras, and sample computation of CFD will be discussed in detail within this research. Also sample pricing will be discussed within the research, which will help provide a better understanding of how the pricing is done in the real time. The last chapter of the literature review will involve a comparison of the contract of differences with futures, options and spread betting. This will help gain an insight of how the contracts for difference are different from the more commonly used derivatives. This will also help understand in brief the futures, options, spread betting and will provide for an understanding of how they work. Since the objectives of this research are very basic and are mainly to understand the global financial instrument – CFD better, hence secondary research will be used in this research. This will involve a through research of the contract for differences. The research will mainly be carried out mainly using books, research papers, etc. This research is very different from the primary method. This is also referred to as the Tertiary research. The research involves using information that has already been presented by other authors, in previous researches. The main sources of the data are from books, journals, newspapers, online sources, etc. In short the secondary research refers to information published by others and which is already available1. It is also data collected by other people

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Pricing Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Pricing Decisions - Essay Example Article 5 aims to find out the methods of setting prices which are dominating Slovenian business practice. Introduction The articles deal with the pricing practices and strategies in various businesses. As stated in article 1, the businesses and consumers have perfect knowledge of the marketplace but actually they lack the perfect knowledge. This makes the establishment of a pricing policy necessary. Article 2 is based on examining pricing for new product price decisions. It is basically the study of the three pricing practices with respect to competition, costs, and customer value. Article 3 states that products have been divided into four categories such as specialty, preference, convenience, and shopping. The research in this article is basically on the pricing strategy for the various product categories. The relevant strategy was selected as per the literature of the paper that is penetration and skimming strategy. Article 4 deals with the pricing of a short license for software service. Earlier, firms in this industry used to do the pricing based on the usage of resources. As computer hardware became fast and cheap the business model remained no more significant. With the recent spread of complex enterprise software, the cost of software maintenance and deployment has increased again. Therefore, the pricing scheme had been termed as subscription pricing. Article 5 states that pricing is not the most important but is just one of the elements of marketing mix. Inspite, managers complain quite often about the problems and pressures arising due to pricing of competitors, it is stated in the article that pricing is rarely a problem. It states that pricing should be such that the perceived value of the product or service should supersede the perceived price. Importance of the study Article 1 focuses on determining whether small firms use the same established economic principles that economists rely on while explaining the behavior of large firms with regards to pricing strategies and objectives. The study basically is conducted in order to determine whether the economic principles are appropriate for small businesses or not. Article 2 is significant because it deals with the aspects of new product pricing practices. The research paper assesses the ways pricing can be done for a new product. It is important from the perspective of a manager as its becoming difficult for managers to analyze the correct price for the value they are providing to their consumers. Article 3 deals with the aspects of pricing of various product categories which could help attain the corporate objectives of the firm. It is important because pricing should be done on the use of the product. The product category such as convenience products cannot be priced higher as because of the presence of many low cost producer firms in the industry. The research is ideal for serving as a starting point for a developing a framework of corporate objectives, pricing strategies, an d product categories. Article 4 is important because it is related to software pricing. The pricing strategy the researchers are focusing on is basically usage-based pricing wherein the firms will be able to acquire low usage consumers as they do not have to pay more than they use. Article 5 is important as the research is on pricing based on cost or customer. Literature Review Paper 1 In the year 2011, Dunn conducted a study on â€Å"